The Chaos rules the Night
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:12 a.m.
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The Beginning
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The an-cient breth-ren of the el-ves, They are Drows, kings of them-sel-ves.
Migh-ty, po-wer-fu-ull el-ven-kind, The Cha-os ru-lers of the Ni-ight.
The Cha-os rules the Ni-ight, Black ma-gic will kill the light
Do not care ei-ther in-no-cent, but do not stop, 'till the last sta-and
Pu-nish the past, fi-nish them fa-ast! You have suc-ceed in the fi-nal te-est
El-der mot-her ha-ve see-ing all, The on-ly truth of Drow is your re-wa-ard
The proud of the Drow is own made swo-ords, Cre-ate it from sil-ver, and he-ating co-old.
Cold as just like the-ir he-e-art, use black ma-gic, use the dark shard.
The Cha-os rules the Ni-ight, Black ma-gic will kill the light
Do not care ei-ther in-no-cent, but do not stop, 'till the last sta-and
Rule the Cha-os, and Rule the night! Rule your ar-my, with fear-less might
Kneel be-fore your migh-ty queen, or no-ble soli-ders will break them to the (?)
The Cha-os Rules the ni-ight, Black ma-gic will kill the li-ight
Do not care ei-ther in-no-cent, but do not stop, 'till the last stand
The Cha-os rules the Ni-ight, Black ma-gic will kill the light
Do not care ei-ther in-no-cent, but do not stop, 'till the last sta-and
The Cha-os rules the Ni-ight, Black ma-gic will kill the light
Do not care ei-ther in-no-cent, but do not stop, 'till the last sta-and